Welcome To All Members PKPG B&K 2005/2008

Welcome to this blog to all members exspecially all communities in Pkpg Bimbingan dan Kaunseling, Universiti Putra Malaysia 2005/2008. Please sign in the guestbook as a member. We appreciate all of you to write anything you like and publish to this site. If you have collections of photo about our activities last time, we appreciate that you can publish as a memories photo collection. Hope you enjoy this site, and make this site as your own site. Get the username and password with Tang Meng or in your email. Good Luck for your coming exam.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Loghat mana yg lebih munasabah....

Timbul persoalan, loghat daerah manakah yang lebih munasabah di antara loghat utara dengan loghat pantai timur?

Jawapannya: Loghat pantai timur (Kelate) adalah munasabah. Kenapa? Ikuti senario berikut:

Bahasa Melayu standard:
"Dia pergi ke rumah jiran untuk mencari emaknya tetapi setelah sampai di situ didapati emaknya tiada."

Loghat Utara (kedah):
"Dia pi ghumah jiran nak caghi mak dia, pi pi mak dia tak dak".

Loghat Pantai Timur (kelate):
"Dio gi ghumoh jire nok caghi mek dio, gi gi mek dio tak dok."

KESIMPULAN: Tidak mungkin pipi emaknya tiada; tetapi kalau gigi maknya tidak ada memang munasabahlah!


waliz said...

loghat nogori takdo ko?

al-Misri said...

Loghat N.9 yang terbaik... Hidup Seremban....Yelah tu.

Anonymous said...

hahaha ....ak waliz la wat skrip loghat N9 plak hehehe...comfirm meletup hahaha